If you are participating in our first tournament we need to clear up a few things I feel like I have missed while writing the rules.
On March 3rd at 7AM we all need to meet up at the Wood Creek Boat Dock for our captains meeting. We will discuss any questions you have.
After the captains meeting, all participants can go their separate ways to find a new "put in" spot if you don't want to put in at the dock.
This is a CASH tournament. Entry Fee is $35 and $5 for the Biggest Bass Cash Pot.
2018 Membership Fee is $20, you DO NOT have to be a registered member to participate in any of our tournaments, but if you want to fish for Angler Of The Year points then you will need to pay for your Membership before you start receiving them.
Time of tournament (pending on the weather and number of participants) I would like for everyone to be on the water during daylight hours. (7:30am-7:45am) and be back at the Wood Creek Boat Dock at no later than 3:00pm. If you are late to "weigh in" you will lose 1 inch per minuet. Captains meeting starts at 7:10am DONT BE LATE TO THE CAPTAINS MEETING
C-P-R (Catch-Photo-Release) When you catch your minimum length 12 inch bass, take a CLEAR FULL BODY photo of it on your HawgTrough with your Identifier and kayak visible and then release your fish back into the water.
If your photo is unacceptable that fish will be DQ'd.
Photo Checklist
We can quickly scan it following a routine that accounts for all requirements. Here’s a checklist that a judge might mentally go through as he scores the photo:
Legible: not too blurry to verify the correct Identifier or accurately determine fish condition and/or length; camera angle high enough to examine fish and verify it meets requirements
Essential elements: Correct identifier for the event and individual; Hawg Trough, kayak in background; photo taken during competition hours, uploaded during permitted time limits
Eligible fish: correct species, alive, not mangled, not restrained by clip, strap, or other device; only one photo of same fish by same angler per event
Fish Orientation: Facing left on Hawg Trough with closed mouth touching fence, left side of body showing, body straight, with tail relaxed and flat on board
Judging process:
I will be looking at each anglers fish to determine whether or not it is acceptable.
All anglers will look at my fish to do the same so it is a fair competition, I am subject to the rules as you are.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be paid their winnings in cash at the end of the tournament and all fish have been verified as acceptable. SEE PAY TABLE HERE
Remember that this is fishing, give each other the respect you would give anyone else on the water.